Monday, November 5, 2018

17 - Carribean or Bust!!!

Well, it's finally here!  After a little over a month in sweet Hampton, VA and a lot of money spent on repairs and updates, we are heading out.  It's been a month of preparations and everything else.  We got back after our road trip and spent a week getting to know the other sailors we're cruising with.  There are about 70 boats total heading from Hampton, VA to either The Bahamas, Antigua or Virgin Gorda in The British Virgin Islands.  We chose the British Virgin Islands (BVI) with the idea that we would spend some time in all of the Virgin Islands and then continue westward through the Caribbean and see where the wind and/or adventures takes us.

We just left the dock (ran out of time to write more because friends were helping us take off).  Left 10:30 AM on a drizzly but thankfully not too cold Monday.  Hoping to make it in 8-10 days!

We promise more and some hopefully cool pictures later!

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