Sunday, October 28, 2018

16 - Road Tripping

Well, we're back in Hampton, VA after a roundabout road trip that put almost 4000 miles on our rental car.  We took off from Hampton and drove to Louisville, KY for the wedding of our adorable niece Chelsea to her love Andrew!  The trip was pretty easy and the wedding was perfect!  Despite the cold weather, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and the time we got to spend with both families. 

We left Louisville and drove to Florida.   We both were able to get some "real" business done, Gary drove our wind generator down to Ft. Lauderdale for a quick repair, we were able to address a couple of  issues with rental houses, hook up with several of our amazing FL friends and try to get our car sold.  The trip was very successful but too short as we really needed to get back to Hampton and finish getting the boat ready for her next adventure.

 We've joined a group called the Salty Dawg Sailing Organization and are in their Fall 2018 Rally where we are heading to Virgin Gorda, BVI with about 30 other boats.  We leave in a week and as always, there are several items still on the honey do list.  The sails are ready to be put back on, the wind generator is back on, the engine maintenance is complete, the rigging repairs are almost done, the dinghy chaps are almost done and we've got our last minute shopping list compiled!!!! 

Until next post!

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