Tuesday, September 18, 2018

14 - What? There is a Hurricane?

We had to leave Florida for insurance reasons during hurricane season.  What happened and why was a hurricane heading our way?  We had already made plans to dock the boat in a marina up a creek in Deale, MD so that Pedro could fly out for business.  MaryAnn was going to be "stuck" on the boat for a few days by herself, with no baby sitter or chaperone but she wasn't planning on also dealing with a hurricane.  Little did she know!  Turns out it wasn't much of an event for us.  The water level in the creek did get above the docks a couple of times but she was still able to get on and off the boat.  Dock power was turned off a couple of times but with the wind generator and solar system the batteries where able to maintain their charge.

The marina was really nice and it included a pool with free beer Friday, bathroom and laundry facilities, bikes, kayaks, and a fat cat named Bob.

We did get a rental car when we got in town and made a trip to Annapolis and Washington DC before Pedro had to fly away.  On our way to Annapolis, we found a great crab house for lunch.  Great soft shell crab sandwiches and cold beer!! We drove into Annapolis and it started raining so we rode around town and got caught in traffic for the Navel Academy football game that was setting up for tailgating.  We found a local boating surplus/sail loft.  We bought a new quad directional wind scoop to be used next time we find ourselves in an area where the current is pulling us one way and the wind the other  As we are looking to add an asymmetrical spinnaker to the boat , we spent some time talking to the guy about what we need.  We were sent home with homework to do via taking measurements so we can get one made.  It was a good day.

The next day we went to DC where we  visited the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and Science.  Pedro had never been there and MaryAnn's last visit was about 40 years ago.  It's really an impressive collection and we spent a few hours going through it all.  Last time we were in DC, we found a restaurant called Ollie's Trolley but we'd just eaten so we didn't get to stop.  This time, we decided to try it to see how it compared to the only other one we know of that's in Louisville.  It had the same seasoning on the fries but the sauce for the burger was different.  We enjoyed it immensely but it wasn't the same.

While  Pedro was busy working in Topeka, KS,  MaryAnn took one day to explore Baltimore and another checking out the National Zoo in DC.   She also managed to explore Deale via bicycle (that took about 5 minutes) and spent considerable time making sure that Bob (the rather fat cat at the marina) was getting the attention he deserved.  We never even got to use the kayaks because the creek was so high but the pool, bikes and laundry all got considerable use.

(This is not Bob, the cat at the marina)

Oh, yeah, Pedro's business trip to Topeka, KS was success.

We were also excited to meet Dale and Gale who started the Cabo Rico owners Facebook page and are the proud owners of a 56 foot Cabo Rico named "Quetzal" (we even got to meet the owners of his previous boat a 38 foot Cabo Rico).  Their boat is currently on the hard in the boat yard right across from us so we had them over to our boat for happy hour and then the next day, we invited ourselves over to tour their boat.  It's absolutely gorgeous and huge!

Dale gave us a list of places to visit in this area so, after captain and crew were all back on the boat, we headed out the next morning.  We found a great quiet anchorage and sat for a couple of days just decompressing and waiting on the rain to blow through. 

First on his list was St. Michael's, MD.  We moved the boat further up the San Domingo creek  (less than an hour motor from our last spot) and found an anchorage.  We dropped the dinghy in and took it to town.  What an adorable town!  It's very similar to the New England towns we'd gotten used to seeing and will you believe it, they have a brewery.  We decided that that would be a great spot to update the blog so here we are.

From here, we were planning to go to Oriental, NC where we have a boat slip that we bought years ago but have never visited by boat and then on to Charleston, SC.  But Oriental and the outer/inter banks got a pretty direct hit from Hurricane Florence so we decided that wouldn't be our best option at this time.  Dale told about a group that is taking off from Norfolk, VA area and some boats are going to Bermuda and some to Antigua.  We are now thinking that we'll join one of those groups.   

(Our slip in Oriental is just two more to the right of this boat!)

Until next post!

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