Monday, April 23, 2018

2 - Key West

We stayed in West Palm Beach for about 4 days until the wind calmed (I know you'd think a sailboat would want wind but the dang Coast Guard posted a small craft advisory so we thought we'd listen) and then clocked around the northeast (it had been blowing really hard from the south - the exact direction we wanted to go) and took off !!!  A week and a day and we were finally in the ocean and sailing!  It was completely wonderful! 

We sailed into Miami to drop anchor for the first night. 
The next morning, we decided to go outside the channel (fought the gulf stream some but the water was so pretty it was worth it) and we only made Rodrigues Key the second night!  Then onto Marathon where we ran into friends we knew we were meeting in Key West but had no idea we'd meet them on the way (small world).   Got a great picture of our girl as we were heading back home from dinner!!

Pulled up anchor again (they were predicting storms in that area for the weekend so we decided to get out) and had to motor sail most of the day to get into Key West (apparently the wind wore itself out the previous weekend).  We had 3 dolphins follow us for a short while and we even saw a hammerhead shark.

Pulled into Key West early afternoon checked in, walked to town and were able to buy a couple of beach cruiser bikes to use for the couple of weeks we planned to stay! 

Spent the next few days exploring and taking in all that is Key West!  We cheered on the participants of the Drag Racing on Duval and made great use of our new transportation!

So far, we love it!  Always something to do (or just relax on the boat), weather has been perfect and we've met some great people! 
Until next post!

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